


SimaPro laptop

A fantastic opportunity to truly delve into LCA and SimaPro and benefit from MiljöGiraff’s expertise.

The training program offered by MiljöGiraff is designed for those who are new to LCA and SimaPro, as well as for those who have started working with SimaPro and want to elevate their knowledge to the next level.

The program thoroughly covers modeling in SimaPro with concrete cases and exercises. You will learn everything from the fundamental pillars of LCA to advanced modeling in SimaPro. You’ll discover how LCA experts handle data, create processes, and you’ll also have the privilege of booking up to eight hours of individual tutoring with one of our experts.


  • Background
  •  Structure and Organization
  • Goals and Scope
  • Inventory and Data Management
  • Modeling
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Result Interpretation and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Troubleshooting and Verification
  • Creating Custom Datasets
  • Importing and Exporting Data and Results
  • Standards and Regulations

Study pace

The training program involves approximately six to eight hours of study time per week, and the duration of the program is three months. The structure is flexible and can easily be adapted and combined with your work.

Individual tutoring

You will learn how LCA experts handle data, create processes, and you will also have the privilege of booking up to eight hours of individual tutoring with one of our experts. During this individual tutoring, it is advantageous if you can ask questions about your own projects to sharpen your LCA and your modeling in SimaPro.

Cost and certificate

The price is 35,000 SEK excluding VAT. If there are multiple participants from the same company, the price is discounted to 50,000 SEK for two people. If there are more participants, please get in touch for a discussion about the price. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate.

Registration and questions

We are happy to answer all questions and concerns. support@miljogiraff.se


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